iPad / iPhone application
WestJet a leading airline company in Canada wanted to improve the flight tickets’ booking service of its iPhone and iPad applications. The goal was to increase the sales conversion rate by reducing as much as possible interactions before proceeding to checkout. To support this idea we have also introduced pre-packaged deals on one way flights. Based on geo-location, showcased deals let users to quickly book flights without having to fill in too much informations.
The main challenge was to design a flexible solution that could handle several use cases. For example, a user coming from a one way flight deal had to be able to easily change the departure date or the passengers number without having to go to another section. These modifications like others may change the tickets price and, as such, on the act of buying. That’s why I have introduced a notification system to inform right away the user and avoid unpleasant experience at the end of the booking process.
- Wireframes + Screens flow
Tool used
- Axure
Release date
- Winter 2015-2016